
Laurel Hill, Florida


Intentional Design for A Slower Pace of Life


Interior Design 


1a: of or relating to Arcadia or the Arcadians
b: of or relating to Arcadian

2: idyllically pastoral
especially : idyllically innocent, simple, or untroubled

 adjective, often capitalized
ar·​ca·​di·​an | \ är-ˈkā-dē-ən \


Amidst the frenzied pace of modern life, a yearning stirs within us to return to a simpler, more authentic existence; a longing to shed the weight of expectations and rediscover the joy in life's little pleasures. 

Arcadian Interior Design emerges as a beacon of respite, a haven of tranquility amidst the chaos. Born from its rustic surroundings, AID embodies the essence of its name: peaceful, untroubled, and blissfully simplistic. Every space crafted with intention, every detail curated with care, to serve as the canvas for your unique story. Your home, a sanctuary of comfort and warmth, where memories are woven and cherished. 

Behind The Name

A style that is manifested from the past with timeless materials mixed with antique and vintage pieces that converge with modern conveniences and clean lines. From the building materials and trim details to the textures of the accessories that come from generations passed feel just as at home today as they did before. 

Old Florida
interior design
meets Rural

I should have picked up on my love for design at the age of 11 when I used my mother’s JC Penney catalog to make a furnished floor plan of my dream house, or seen it in my hoarding of laminate countertop samples collected from the hardware stores my parents visited. For some reason, I didn’t immediately listen to the calling to become a designer and felt a career as a massage therapist was the ticket out of my small town in rural northwest Ohio. While in massage therapy school, I met my husband who had his future planned in the Army when he graduated college from The Ohio State University. A few years later, he swept me off my feet and landed us in Hawaii where instead of relicensing to practice massage therapy, we started our family.

After a handful of duty stations from Hawaii to the panhandle of Florida, we’ve had two more children and settled down in what I have determined to be pure bliss. We bought 56 acres to start our own farm just like the one that I was so desperate to leave when I was a kid. As we settle into our 1965 farmhouse that is in need of a renovation and addition to accommodate us, we found that starting my own firm, on my own terms, is exactly where God always intended us to be. 

The Army has infused us with the art of creativity and ingenuity as we adapt to each place we have lived. Being limited by our location has never hindered us from using our God given talents. Raising two children and having a third child while going to school online for my degree has given me the ability to multitask like nobody’s business. Juggling my family and my career path as a designer isn’t always easy, but I am constantly pulling inspiration from all those working moms refusing to sacrifice themselves to have one or the other. 

how i got here

Melissa Merrill


Slow living is all about creating time and space and energy for the things that matter most in our life

—brooke mcArlary

Take me there

See what I can provide you from our farm
