
Laurel Hill, Florida


Intentional Design for A Slower Pace of Life


Interior Design 


Perfect for someone that is needing an extra hand in selecting the details of their room. It is an economical solution for a single room project you are looking to tackle yourself. A Simply Curated Design still maintains the quality and attention to detail of a larger full service offering. It can easily be done remotely and at the convenience of your schedule. I provide the design and the shopping list, you purchase from the list and arrange it according to the provided floor plan guide and design notes. 

Simply Curated Design


ProjecT deliverables


Investment Guide

After you have submitted an inquiry,  an Investment Guide will be delivered to your email. It will go into further detail about what to expect from me and what would be required from you.

Invoice & Contract

After reading the Investment Guide and you are are ready to get started an invoice and a contract will be ready for you to sign. 

Kick Off Meeting

Once the contract is signed and the invoice is paid I will email you my calendar to schedule our in-person or Zoom meeting. This is the time I get all of the details of your project and learn about you! We will go over a lot in this meeting, get measurements, review the questionnaire, and go through your inspiration images.

Design Phase

Once we have had our consultation and I have received all the other helpful details, i.e. measurements and images, I will put together your design board, shopping guide with links, and any further instructions for you to use to implement your design.


Happy mail day! After I have completed your design I will email your package straight to your inbox. If there are any samples for you to see in person I will send them to you in the mail! Yay! Happy mail!

Place Order & Install

At your convenience you can order everything from the list. Sometimes, I may miss the mark on an item or two or if something goes out of stock, it happens, I will provide you two revisions.

Simply Curated Design Package








Schedule a phone meeting to answer design questions for a future or existing project

full service

The full concierge service where I handle all of the design details from concept to the final install in your home

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh.

Need something else?

inquire here

Ready to roll up your sleeves?

Let's do this

I am so excited to work with you on creating your dream room. Click the link below to inquire about a  Virtual Room Design